Surf Lesson Photos & Video

From July 1st until August 15th we are adding on free photos and an edited video of your surf lesson with any beginner lesson booking!

A question I get asked a lot is should you add on photography and videography when you book your surf lesson?

This is something I recommend for all beginner surf lessons and here are some reasons why:

  1. First off plenty of surfers wish they knew what their first wave looked like. To relive that moment could bring back that amazing thrill.

  2. If you live inland and don’t get to be in the ocean much, watching or looking at your video or pictures from your surf lesson could encourage you to try another surf lesson on your next vacation.

  3. Next is the improvement from seeing yourself from another angle, when you’re riding the wave it can be difficult to know how you can improve, but when you see it on video you can see where you can improve.

  4. These memories can go great with other captures of your trip and be great to add to your social media.

  5. Last but not least is the bragging points! Who doesn’t want to show friends or family how much fun they had in the water.

Please contact us to book a group surf lesson today and visit our media page to see some examples of previous photos and videos of our clients!